She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes by the Sink

I really love this post, after stumbling across it on Facebook just a couple of days ago, it is a relief to see someone (a male) figure out so cleverly how complex our emotions can be but also how difficult we make it to our partners to notice such things. Because it definitely isn’t obvious. But this man is SO right. Source: She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes by the Sink

Entry one.

This is my first entry, so please bare with me.

I have chosen to write this blog anonymously, to tell my story and how the light at the end of my tunnel is truly becoming visible to me now. I hope to inspire my readers, but also to educate them.

As women we are very complex beings, one thing that I see a lot in us is the way in which we deal with trauma compared to men (this isn’t a stereotype, this is just based on my 20 years of life experiences). We tend to store things inside ourselves, and let them build up until the shouting and musings of our mind become almost unbearable, and then we either let them out all at once, once the noise inside has become too loud to lock away any longer. OR in my case, we revert to silence. I think in some ways this is possibly the worst, and most common.

At the moment, I struggle to believe in ultimate happiness in this world. I may be yet to find it, but I think EVERYONE is battling some form of demon inside themselves, some people’s demons are larger and than others.

But this is me, attempting to let it out, and lay it all to rest.

I am unsure yet of how to tell my story, an entry a day, a few now to introduce you to my tale of very real events or just to start from beginning to end in one long post and then continue from there…?

I don’t want to preach to anyone out there, but I do hope to be able to inspire young people (like myself), who are struggling with this complex and testing thing that is life, and to raise awareness to the less obvious forms of abuse that are possibly more common than the physical domestic violence, and ‘stranger/unsuspecting victim’ form of sexual abuse.

Again, if you stumble across this blog, and read my post, please bare with me I am not yet familiar with blogging etiquette. But, for now, thank you for reading…

~ forgivenessisallowed ~